New Update

Smallholder Livestock Development Project for Zimbabwe

By Wallace Mawire


A new livestock development programme aiming to increase incomes and food security for 2000 beef and 3000 dairy smallholder producers has been launched in Zimbabwe under the USAID’s Feed the Future, US government’s global hunger and food security initiative.

According to USAID Mission Director for Zimbabwe, Ms. Stephanie Funk, the programme which began in June 2015 will run through June 2020. It aims to improve hygiene and nutrition practices and build the capacity of local organisations to implement agricultural development activities funded by USAID.

USAID in Zimbabwe reports that the programme is being implemented in partnership with local private companies, NGOs and the Department of Livestock and Veterinary Services (DLVS) in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development.

It is also reported that African Breeders Services Total Cattle Management Ltd (ABSTCM) is the main subcontractor.

“The programme works closely with other public and private sector partners who are in the beef and dairy value chain,” USAID said in a statement.

It is also reported that the Feed the Future Zimbabwe Livestock Development programme will target smallholder dairy farmers in natural regions three and four and beef farmers in natural regions four and five of Zimbabwe.

The programme also seeks to promote gender equity and social inclusion of women and youths in all its activities and ensuring good environmental stewardship among beneficiary households.

USAID says that the programme commercialises smallholder beef and dairy farmers by increasing production and productivity and reducing unit costs of production to improve overall smallholder competitiveness in the beef and dairy sector.

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