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Experts Call For Alliances To Improve Family Planning In Nigeria

Medical experts at the 3rd Nigerian Family Planning Conference which held at the Ladi Kwali Hall of Sheraton Hotel, Abuja, have advocated for alliances from different sectorial groups to improve family planning in Nigeria.

Dr Farouk Jega, Country Representative of Pathfinder International, mentioned that alliances from professional bodies and faith-based organizations will further improve family planning in the country.

He said further that forming alliances with religious groups increases resources and gives people courage to say things they wouldn’t have want to discuss with any other person, and raises community awareness on Family Planning.

With this, Jega posits that documents from the alliances can be then publicized to further strengthen Family Planning in different communities.

Jayne Arinze, a medical expert on Reproductive Health in her presentation mentioned that Social Media is a veritable tool in building alliances. In her words, “The medium raises public awareness and promote your cause; it helps people to take action and share success stories. It also enhances existing communications programmes.”

Young people, religious leaders and policy makers are among the set of groups that can be part of the alliances of social media.

Stressing on the importance of Social Media, Jayne pointed out that social media is accessible, and its usability is easy as one does not need schooling before navigating through the platform.

Social media, according to Jayne, could also be used to build active citizens and enable people to know choices and develop trust in Non-Governmental Organizations.


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