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Voters Registration Exercise: Thumb Down For @INECNigeria?

Rural Reporters went round some communities to observe the on-going voter’s registration exercise.

A controlled crowd is seen at various points of registration. However, people complained bitterly about the tedious nature of the registration process.

There were four to five points of registration made available to cluster of over five-community development area.

For example, hundreds of people trouped in to Technical College in Agindigbi area of Ojodu, under Ikeja Local Government area, that is expected to serve residents of Agindingbi, Omole, Ojodu and its environ.

From shuffling to find their place on the ever-growing queue, to dodging blows from the angry mob that soon form after the frustration of waiting under the hot sun, only a handful of people successfully registered before the staff announced that they are closed for the day.

Here is a photo report from some polling units:


The people complained of INEC’s lack of organization. There was also a high sense of confusion as people struggled to find the point of registration. Why did INEC merge all polling units in one compound? They asked.


Patience. You must be very patient. Relax with your friends. The clumsy registration process is not one to compete over.
INEC must be commended for making temporary voter’s card available 24 hours after registration. But the process of collection is as tedious as the registration process.
An INEC official searching through archives for voter’s details
Another point of collection. Don’t mind the gutter.
A police officer cautioning an angry registrant
An angry man being cautioned by the crowd…
Waiting to register. Some arrived as early as 7.00am and if they are lucky, they will be attended to before the day’s exercise ends by 4.00pm

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