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Rural Pulse: Rural Initiatives for Development is Key to National Economies

This week on Rural Pulse, we will draw lessons from Prince Adu-Appiah, the founder of 1Billion Africa (1BA), an initiative a problem solving international NGO with the mission to alleviate poverty and empower Africans especially the youth and children by turning problems into projects. So far, in the past 21 months since its inception, 1BA has worked to empower over 3,000 youths in 8 rural communities in Ghana.

1BA believes that if there are 1 billion problems in Africa, there are also 1 billion Africans who can turn these problems around to make Africa a better place.

We recently got in touch with Prince and here are lessons for other social workers in rural communities can learn from him:

As a person whose work is central to people living in rural (urban-rural) communities. What will you say is key to rural development and how can people living in the slums or budding development practitioners go about developing and impacting the lives of people living in rural settlement?

Education, reduction of poverty, environmental protection, healthcare and access to electricity, in my opinion, are the major elements to rural development. Unfortunately these are still challenges in our rural communities, though there’s been some improvements lately and also a gradual change in the right direction. There is the need for many more projects by government, entrepreneurial development practitioners and civil societies to help the masses living in our rural settings live better lives. These people anchor Agriculture in Africa. Rural initiatives for development are thus key to our national economies.

What is the most critical lesson you have learnt in working in the development sector?

The most critical lesson so far is that when one truly has passion and a heart for the people, genuine impact and results are produced. Service from your heart has awesome yields, you never know the life you are impacting. We have heard of many stories of how great men and women encountered people or initiatives that turned their lives around and launched them into greatness. As humans let’s just love people no matter the variance between our status and theirs.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Be ready to live Life! This was an advice to me by Dr. Myles Munroe. The words changed my life. Often when growing up from a humble beginning in Africa, one faces many challenges which can affect the rest of the person’s life. I used to be a “hermit”, hiding within and minding my own business. The statement “Be ready to live life” meant to me; don’t be afraid of anything! Dare to dream and to dream big! Discover your purpose, passion and potentials and live it! The magnitude of your challenges corresponds to the size of your greatness.

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