New Update

Rural Pulse: One Cap Doesn’t Fit All

The Global Goals (Sustainable Development Goals) have been adopted in September and the world awaits its implementation, starting January 2016. Key among what the goals seek to eradicate is Poverty.

One of the many organisations working in this field is ONE, a campaigning and advocacy organisation of more than 6 million people taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa. The organisation has launched several development advocacy campaigns one of which is the recent #PovertyIsSexist campaign which seeks to promote women empowerment and draw the attention of world leaders on why girls and women must be at the heart of the fight to end Extreme Poverty.

This week on Rural Pulse, we have the Nigeria Country Representative for The ONE campaign, Edwin Ikhuoria, who gives us an insight into what should be the most important thing development workers should note when working in rural communities. Here is his view:

“I would say look at the context you are working in. By context I mean, one cap does not fit all. There is no single solution to all problems and no two problems are exactly the same. So take time to understand the context in that rural community and tailor make solutions that involves the people who are experiencing the problem. The more the people are involved, the more you will develop solutions that work. Many development practitioners come with standard solutions and at the end of the day, the problems remain.”


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