New Update


The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) comprise of the eight (8) international developmental goals set by the United Nations and the world’s leading institutions to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS, end global poverty and achieve universal education among others. The UN emphasis was on three areas, that is, human capital, infrastructure and human rights (social, economic and political) with the intent of increasing living standards. Human capital objectives includes nutrition, healthcare (child mortality, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and reproductive health) and education. Infrastructure objectives includes access to safe drinking water, energy and modern information and communication technology; increased farm output using sustainable farming practices; transportation and environment. Human rights objective include empowering women, reducing violence, increasing political voice, ensuring equal access to public service and increasing security of property rights. The goals were basically to increase human capabilities and advance the means to a productive life.

However, critical analysis will reveal that, the section of any sub-Sahara Africa country that is a major factor and stakeholder in MDGs is the rural region. When it comes to healthcare delivery, level of poverty, infrastructure and literacy rate, they are greatly disadvantaged. Indeed, a large chunk of the rural folks suffer most deadly diseases and deprivation in virtually every facet of their livelihood in the quest to get a good standard of living. This fifteen (15) years of the United Nations and the international development organisations trying to achieve this objective is almost coming to an end and below is a demystification of the whole agenda of productivity of human capabilities as far as the sub-Saharan Africa sub region especially Ghana is concerned. The first six of the various MDGs which represent over 80% of the global goal has the rural areas being a major stakeholder and thus are directly targeted to the development of the said setting….


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