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Diary of a Lagos Commuter: When Wind Blows Your Money…

Eko for show! As our conductor stretched his hand to collect the fare from one of us, the breeze blew it off. The driver already some metres away from where the money dropped was told to stop so the conductor can quickly alight to pick it up. As expected, an ‘omo aye’ (street boy) already picked the money and pretended he was making a phone call. God so good, the conductor was smart enough to have sighted the guy. He got his money back.

Back in the bus, I asked how much the money was, one of us said it’s 200 naira – “it’s enough to buy big bread now”. I echoed same and shook my head. God help our individual state in Nigeria! Majority just seem to be all about food and how to make ends meet that they cannot afford any form of monetary loss.

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