New Update

Diary of a Lagos Commuter: That drunk passenger…

I didn’t know some danfo drivers have some sense of sanity or maybe I know but never expected it displayed so openly. When I say danfo drivers, I mean those rugged and alcohol friendly types. I sighted this danfo driver as he came down from his seat (his bus was almost filled up) with just one mission- to unseat one of his passengers- a very young chap. While the driver was at it, other passengers, including myself, wondered why.

When he was asked the ‘usual’ question, but all he uttered, talking to no one in particular was “laaro kutukutu ki omode iru e ma yo” literally meaning he couldn’t fathom the young chap’s drunken state this early hours of the morning.

Truly the boy was drunk. When he was asked for his fare, he started to mutter some unclear words while displaying his ATM cards.



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