Esther Mark

Esther is a content writer and an award-winning upcoming journalist with a knack for unusual stories. A graduate of Mass Communication form the University of Jos, Esther is passionate about Development Journalism, New Media, Education, Children and Advertising. Her love for online journalism and Education led her to Scholars Hub Africa, an online educational portal, where she edits the stories and articles therein. During her days as an undergraduate, she free-lanced as a campus Journalist for both The Nation Newspaper and Vanguard News; both widely read national papers in Nigeria, turning up sizzling student oriented news stories from her campus and within Plateau state, Nigeria. She also co-edited her University’s Student online Newspaper, Unijos Echo and served as both news Editor and presenter for Unijos ICE96.1 FM. Esther solely believes journalism is evolving and by adapting New Media techniques, there is more hope for the common man on the street who stands to gain more expediently. She loves children a lot! When Mark is not writing, she is busy hanging out with kids, interacting with them and helping them know God much better. Esther believes strongly in education as a solid factor in combating poverty in the country, thus her dream of being in the academia in the nearest future where she hopes to both tutor and mentor adventurous minds on the practical and theoretical aspects of Journalism. She has only won two journalism awards and sees herself clinching the CNN/Africa Journalist of the Year Award in no distant time. Follow her @Markesthy

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